A guide to social media trends, tips and ideas to help you attract customers to your business using facebook, squidoo, blogs, twitter and other popular social media sites.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Homer's Odyssey...

The rain is falling across the hills of West Cork. My three young children are sitting by the fire, their faces glowing, filled with laughter as Homer begins his latest adventure...

This is a wild part of Ireland with stray cats who walk the lanes like New York street gangs, rolling hills and great lakes where geese and ducks stop off to drink on warm Summer days.This is home.

The place where I live and work. The place where I belong.

But like Homer, it has taken me a long while and a few network marketing adventures and exploits and many disappointments to realise this is truly where I belong and as my children sit by the fire, warming their skin and bones and wondering what Santa Claus will place on the hearth a few days from now, I begin to wonder what will be my story in 2009 and how will I tell it...

Will it be delivered with humour or sorrow. With love or passion. With hope or fear. With regret or with promise...

I hope my story, and your story, will be delivered with all these things and more. And for that, people will listen.

So, tell your story. It is your unique gift and one which others will share with you like warm bread through laughter, sorrow, hope and promise, taking them to a place far away from where they began.

Tell your story...

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